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Jennifer Delamere

Jennifer Delamere

Jennifer Delamere

Photos from RWA Conference

I had a fabulous time at the Romance Writers of America annual conference, held a few weeks ago in Atlanta. Over 2,000 authors, editors, agents, and librarians attended the conference. It was a fantastic time of learning, recharging, and inspiration.

One of the highlights of the conference for me was taking part in RWA’s annual Literacy Autographing. Over 450 authors participated, with the proceeds going to support literacy programs. Here’s a photo of me just before the event got underway. Because my book An Heiress at Heart was a finalist for the prestigious RITA award, I got to have a blue RITA flag flying at my table!

Literacy Autographing

And while I did not get to take home one of these lovely statues, RITAI’m thrilled beyond words to have been nominated.

I’ve posted more photos over on my Facebook page. I hope you’ll hop over and check them out.